Our Social Media Accounts to Follow

Spreading information about opportunities, workshops, and knowledge about space industry is one of our priorities. Here you find all our social media profile links and infos on how to follow. If you like what we do, please share with your friends and colleagues. 

Space Career and Leadership Center

Space Career and Leadership Center Instagram

Space Career and Leadership Center Facebook

Space Career and Leadership Center Linkedin

Space Career and Leadership Center Twitter

Space Career and Leadership Center RSS Feed

Space Job Fair

Space Job Fair Instagram

Space Job Fair Facebook

Space Job Fair Linkedin

Space Job Fair Twitter

Space Career and Leadership Center RSS Feed

Get ideas and support to advance your career in Space

Get a jump start on your career and job search with hands-on, personalized help. Labs are your one-stop shop to get to work!

Find Help for Your Space Business Idea.

Get information on how to build, run, or operate a space startup. The weekly Space Business Advancement Lab is a casual way to gain valuable insight on business operations in any stage.

Exclusive Opportunities for Employers

Space Job Fair connects you to great candidates. You can organise workshops, QnA sessions, and interview them directly.

Are you looking for a space job or internship?

Space Job Fair is your event! Talk directly to recruiters and HR decision makers, or hear their best tips for a better application.