Many people are working at home, or forced to stay in their house during this global crisis related to the spread of #Coronavirus.
We would like to organise a series of free online workshops and lectures, the Online Space Talks, and like to invite everybody to participate.
Companies, graduates, lecturers – everyone is welcome to propose a talk:
– Talk about your work.
– Tell us about your university projects.
– Talk about your startup.
– Talk about your business ideas.
– Give us your 5 things to do.
– Give us your personal best practice.
– Anything you want to talk about, that is related to space.
We created a google form for suggestions and ideas here:
Thanks, talk soon and stay safe.
The Space CLC Team.
About Us: Space Career and Leadership Center is building the first space career ecosystem providing guidance and help related to professional and leadership development as well as entrepreneurship in space.